Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Logic Express - part 3 (Insert FX)

So today I want you to continue getting familiar with working with the Software Instruments in Logic, but today I would like for you to create a complete piece that you can use to record vocals over next week.

This can be whatever form that works for you, whether you are rapping, singing, or reading a poem or speech. Whatever it is, I would like for it to have a definite structure:
  • If you are doing a song, give me at least 2 Verses, 2 Choruses and an Intro/Outro.
  • If you are doing a poem/speech, I want to have specific musical things happening along with parts of the text.
In addition, I would like to see all of the following elements in the music you produce today:
  1. At least 6-8 instruments in your song.
  2. Use at least 3 different FX on your tracks (1 Delay, 1 Modulation, and 1 of your choice).
FX Plugins
So, in my opinion, one of the best things about Logic is that it has all kinds of instruments and FX that come with the program, and which you can start using right away. Pro Tools, on the other hand, tends to give you a lot fewer tools to start with, but gives you the option of buying them as you start to use the software more.

The FX in Logic actually work the same way that they do in Pro Tools. The easiest way to use them is to Insert them directly onto your tracks. To do this, simply do the following:
  1. Find the Insert section of the track in either the Inspector Section or in the Mixer Window.
  2. Click on one of the empty boxes.
  3. Select one of the categories from the dropdown menu and click on one of the options in the submenu.

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