Monday, December 1, 2008

Recording Projects - prep work

Today I want you to do a few things in preparation for working on your recording projects.
  1. Go into the Media Share>Class Materials>Project Worksheets and find the file called "Project Worksheet.odt". Copy it to your folder and open it. Please fill out this form so that Corina and I know what you are working on and can help you plan your project. IMPORTANT: be sure to save this file as "(your name)_Project Worksheet.odt", then copy it back to the Project Worksheets folder
  2. If you have a Reason beat that you are going to be recording vocals over, you need to get the beat into Pro Tools. To do this, you will have to Export audio files of all the individual instruments out of Reason and Import them into a Pro Tools session. (See below for instructions on how to do this.)
  3. If you need to finish writing lyrics, then please take time to do that today.
  4. If you still need to finish a beat, then do that.
So, everyone should have stuff to work on. If you need suggestions, ask Chris or Corina...

Click on the links for info on how to do the following:
Exporting Audio out of Reason
Importing Audio into Pro Tools

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