Monday, November 17, 2008

Intro to Pro Tools - part 3

Today we're going to be learning more about how to work with audio in Pro Tools:
  • Importing audio files
  • Copying regions
  • Using the Trim tool
Let's start with the first part, Importing. Importing is another way to get audio into your Pro Tools session. To do it, just do the following:
  1. Go to File>Import>Audio
  2. In the Window that pops up, find the file you want to import and click Convert. Then click Done.
  3. PT will ask you to select a Destination Folder where the new audio file will be stored. 9/10 times, it will automatically select the Audio Files folder for you. This is where you want to put this audio file.
  4. Lastly, Pro Tools will ask you where you want to put this new file in the actual session. You can either put it in the Region Bin, or you can create a brand new track for it. For now, just select New Track and click OK.
So importing is pretty straight forward, right? Sorta?

Now let me talk briefly about how to copy an audio region from one track to another.

There are a couple of ways to do this, the first is to simply highlight a piece of audio with the Cursor tool, Copy it (Cmd-C) and then paste it on the new track (Cmd-P).

Another good one to know is to hold down the Option key and click and drag with the Grabber tool. The only catch to this is that you will copy the whole region, not just the highlighted section, so you may have to split the region first...

Last thing I'm going to mention is the Trim Tool.
The Trim Tool is used for trimming the edges or your regions. It's an easy way to edit little sections of audio and get rid of extra stuff you don't need. The great thing about the Trim tool is that even if you get rid of a piece of audio, you can always get it back by dragging the edge of the region back out.

Interview website: link

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