Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We have just witnessed history happening. In honor of this notable moment, we are going to spend today using our artistic and musical talents to reflect how we as individuals feel about what has occurred.

Your assignment is to make a beat to go along with President-elect Obama's acceptance speech. Please note that I am not telling you how to feel about this event, I am challenging you to express your own thoughts and feelings through your music. My hope is that we will hear a wide range of musical interpretations of this historic event.

Please do the following:
  1. Find the file called "Obama speech.rns" on the Media Share folder and copy it to your computer. (Media Share>Class Materials>Obama speech.rns)
  2. Open it.
  3. Make a beat to go under it that reflects how you are feeling right now. Include all the things that we have learned in this class so far, including different instruments and FX.
  4. Save the file as "(your name)_Obama speech.rns" and put a copy on the Media Share folder.

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