Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Audio Post: Film Scoring - part 2

Alright, I'm back folks! I hope you had a productive day last week when I was gone and that you were able to catch up on missing work. Now that we're all together again, we're going to get back into working on film scores.

Today, I want you to pick two more short clips that you're going to work with (in separate Pro Tools sessions). You can find the clips in Media Share>Class Materials>Movie Trailers>Film Score.

Please do the following:
  1. Check out all three clips and pick two that you want to work with. Copy them to your hard drive.
  2. Go into the same folder and get the file called Film Scoring_writeup. odt (Media Share>Class Materials>Movie Trailers>Film Score>Film Scoring_writeup.odt). Copy it to your hard drive and open it.
  3. Fill out the worksheet for the first film.
  4. Save the document as your name_fs writeup.
  5. Start a new Pro Tools session and Import the first movie clip into it.
  6. Create an original score using Rewire and/or other soft synths. (minimum 3 instruments)
  7. When you are done, save the PT session as your name_film score 1.
  8. Bounce the clip with your original score as a Quicktime movie called your name_film score 1.
  9. Put a copy in the Student Work folder on the Media Share.
  10. Repeat the above steps for your second film clip. Be sure to label both the PT Session and the Quicktime movie for this one as your name_film score 2.
  11. Turn in the fs writeup document to the Student Work folder.

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