Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Alright folks, today is our Last Official Day of Class! It has been an absolute pleasure working with all of you and seeing you grow as artists and producers. I hope that you feel that you've learned something valuable from this experience. We would really like to hear back from you about what your experience with the class has been like. Please take the time to take this quick online survey.

Final Event
Next item of business, let's all email ourselves the info for our Final Event! Please copy the following info into an email and send it to yourself.

Intersection for the Arts
446 Valencia St. (between 15th & 16th St.)
San Francisco

12:00 pm
Sunday, June 7

Please start telling family and friends about our event now! This is will be our last opportunity to get together as a class and to share our work with the world, so we want as big a turnout as possible.

What can you expect from the Final Event? Well, obviously we will be playing all your work for an audience. If you will be performing live, you will have mics to do your thing (don't forget to give me an instrumental of your beat!!!). I will also be asking you to come up to introduce your piece before I play it, and to say a little about what it is, why you chose it, what you were trying to do with it, challenges you dealt with in making it, etc. Then at the end, we will all be coming up as a class and taking questions from the audience.

What else do we need to do to prepare for the Event? Well, of course you need to turn in exported files from your Final Projects.
  • If you are doing an Audio Post piece, please Bounce out a Quicktime movie.
  • If you are doing a Music piece and will not be performing live, then Bounce out an audio file of the whole song (WAV format, Stereo Interleaved, 44,100 Hz, 16 bit).
  • If you are doing a Music piece and will be performing live, then Bounce out audio files of both the full song AND an instrumental version of the song (i.e. Mute all the vocal tracks and bounce the song again).
Important! Please label your files as follows: DPAA_your name_song name and put them into the folder called Final Projects on the Media Share folder (dolly>Media Share>Final Projects)

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