Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Burning Your DVD Portfolios

(Media share>(Your folder)>Portfolio)
    • Song 1 (.wav file)
    • Song 2 (.wav file)
    • Song 3 (.wav file)
    • Pro Tools Sessions
    • Logic Sessions
    • Quicktime movie 1
    • Quicktime movie 2
    • Pro Tools Sessions
  • Resume

Burning DVDs
Burning is super easy if you already have everything ready to go. Just follow the instructions below:

1. Log in on the Mac side of your computer (this is the only way to burn your Logic files)
2. Get a blank DVD from the instructor and pop it in.
3. A window should pop up asking you what program you want to open it up with. Choose Finder.
4. Now access the Media Share folder. (Ask the instructor if you don't remember how to do this.)
5. You should now have two windows open, one for the DVD and one for the Media Share. Simply drag and drop your portfolio into the DVD.
6. Hit the Burn button and let it burn, baby burn!!!
7. Eject your DVD and label it with a permanent marker.
8. Show it to friends, prospective employers, your grandma, whoever.


Alright folks, today is our Last Official Day of Class! It has been an absolute pleasure working with all of you and seeing you grow as artists and producers. I hope that you feel that you've learned something valuable from this experience. We would really like to hear back from you about what your experience with the class has been like. Please take the time to take this quick online survey.

Final Event
Next item of business, let's all email ourselves the info for our Final Event! Please copy the following info into an email and send it to yourself.

Intersection for the Arts
446 Valencia St. (between 15th & 16th St.)
San Francisco

12:00 pm
Sunday, June 7

Please start telling family and friends about our event now! This is will be our last opportunity to get together as a class and to share our work with the world, so we want as big a turnout as possible.

What can you expect from the Final Event? Well, obviously we will be playing all your work for an audience. If you will be performing live, you will have mics to do your thing (don't forget to give me an instrumental of your beat!!!). I will also be asking you to come up to introduce your piece before I play it, and to say a little about what it is, why you chose it, what you were trying to do with it, challenges you dealt with in making it, etc. Then at the end, we will all be coming up as a class and taking questions from the audience.

What else do we need to do to prepare for the Event? Well, of course you need to turn in exported files from your Final Projects.
  • If you are doing an Audio Post piece, please Bounce out a Quicktime movie.
  • If you are doing a Music piece and will not be performing live, then Bounce out an audio file of the whole song (WAV format, Stereo Interleaved, 44,100 Hz, 16 bit).
  • If you are doing a Music piece and will be performing live, then Bounce out audio files of both the full song AND an instrumental version of the song (i.e. Mute all the vocal tracks and bounce the song again).
Important! Please label your files as follows: DPAA_your name_song name and put them into the folder called Final Projects on the Media Share folder (dolly>Media Share>Final Projects)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shooting the Trouble

Today we have 2 main priorities:
  1. We will be doing our Troubleshooting Evaluations, where you show me that you know how to get a basic recording session up and running in Pro Tools.
  2. To make sure we create our Student Profiles on the BAVC blog and get our information in there.
So after a quick review, I'm going to have each of you come up and show me how to get a session going. Here are the exact things I'm going to ask you to do, so if you are unsure about any of these, please be sure to ask me to go over them before we get going.

  1. Select vocal and talkback microphones. Set up the vocal mic on the mic stand.
  2. Plug cables and headphones into inputs on the Digi 003.
  3. Create a new Pro Tools session in a designated folder.
  4. Create new audio tracks and label them accordingly.
  5. Get signal from the mics and set good levels.
  6. Adjust headphone levels.
  7. Record a short vocal segment.
  8. Save and close the Pro Tools session.
  9. Transfer the session folder to the Media Share folder.

Corina will be helping folks out with their Profiles. It will be helpful to her if you can get a things together beforehand. You will need all the following elements for your profiles:
  • Your Resume
  • A Music File (MP3 format)
  • A Photo
  • A Bio
Let's try to get it done today!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

**Job Readiness Workshop**

Have you ever had a job?

If so, how did you get it? What was the process? Did you feel as though you were prepared?

Today we're going to be working with Felice on getting ready for our internships. Please ask lots of questions and use this time to really get ready for stepping into the professional world.

Felice will be getting here at about 5:15. Until she gets here, I will be meeting with you individually to discuss where your Final Project is at and what you need to get done.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final Projects_Work Schedules

Unfortunately, Felice had to postpone the Job Readiness workshop until Monday, so please be ready to do this then. In the meantime...

So today you have the whole period to work on your final projects, but as you are doing this, I want you to start thinking about what the different pieces are that you will need to get a really good, polished project ready by the time we have our Final Event.

To help you with this, I have put a document on the Media Share folder (Media Share>Class Materials>Final Project Schedule).

Please drag a copy of this to your folders and open the document. Fill it out and turn it in to the Student Work folder by the end of the class.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Final Projects and Important Dates

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday, May 6 - Job Readiness Workshop w/ Felice
  • Friday, May 8 - Makeup class (3-6 pm)
  • Friday, May 15 - Makeup class (3-6 pm)
  • Saturday, May 16 - Our last Saturday class!
  • Monday, May 18 - Peer review presentations
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Troubleshooting Evaluation
  • Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day (no class)
  • Wednesday, May 27 - Last day of class
  • Sunday, June 7 - FINAL EVENT!!!

Final Projects
At the Final Event for this class, everyone will be presenting a Final Project. Starting today, our main focus is going to be in getting these projects completed. This is your chance to make a polished audio project that showcases the skills you have acquired throughout the course of the program. You can decide what you want your project to be, as long as it uses the skills you have learned in this class (recording a song, audio post production, etc.)

Your project should:
  • Be a reflection of your own unique experiences and skills – give me something that no one else in the world can give me!
  • Be at least 5 minutes long
  • It can be more than one project that add up to five minutes
  • Polished, complete and to the best of your ability
  • It should have some type of live recording
  • Include great attention given to the mix (volume, panning, FX, automation)

If you are making a song/spoken word piece...
  • It should have a deliberate arrangement and structure that keeps the listeners interested
  • Vocals: rap, singing, poetry, essay, Speech
  • Complex instrumentation
  • Final piece Exported/Bounced song as an audio file

If you are doing Audio Post Production...
  • All actions and dialogue should have corresponding audio with them - good synchronization, no empty gaps.
  • Should have a musical score that you create
  • Mix the audio - make the actions believable with the use of mixing, panning, FX, and automation.
  • Export/Bounce the final piece as a Quicktime movie
Couple things...
Collaboration is encouraged, but be careful to budget your time accordingly - ESPECIALLY regarding the use of the vocal booth. Be considerate of the fact that everyone needs to have access. You are encouraged to constantly seek peer feedback throughout the production process (formal Peer Review will be happening on May 18).If you have an idea for a project that is different from the two options above, please talk with Chris and/or Corina to discuss how you can make this happen.