Monday, April 13, 2009

Clean it up!

Welcome back, my friends!

Hope you all had an exciting and/or relaxing Spring Break. As we had discussed last time, we will be having our
Family Night on Wednesday, April 15 from 6:30-7:30 pm. How many of you think you will be having folks come through? We will have some snacks and light refreshments, FYI.

Also, we will
NOT be having a class this Saturday, April 18. Unfortunately, there was a schedule conflict with another BAVC class that day and there doesn't seem to be any dates that we can reschedule to right away, so for now you all get the time off...

In the meantime, here are the two things I want you all to be focusing on today:

  1. Please finish up all your Audio Post Production stuff. You can check to make sure you have everything in by going to Media Share>Student Work. Check all the folders that are highlighted orange and make sure you see your file in there.
  2. Put any work that you would like for me to share with our guests into the Student Work folder. It can be either music or an audio post piece (I may pick a few select pieces to play). Put a copy in the folder called Family Night. I would like every person to contribute at least one piece that they want to share!
  3. Work on some music! We're about to finish up with this audio post stuff and switch back to music (using some different tools), so let's start shifting our brains back into musical mode.

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