Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Make It Up

Alright folks, so I'm out of town, but that doesn't mean you don't have anything to do while I'm gone! Like I said on Wednesday, I would like for you to use today to make up missing assignments, especially the audio post stuff we've been doing for the last few weeks.

Here are the assignments I am missing from each person:

  • Luis - Animation FX, Trailer ADR
  • Taurean - Audio Post FX1, Trailer ADR, Scary Score
  • Juan - Audio Post FX1, Trailer ADR, Scary Score
  • Robert - Animation FX, Trailer ADR, Scary Score
  • Gio - Audio Post Exercise, Audio Post FX1, Animation FX, Trailer ADR,
  • Alexi - Audio Post Exercise, Audio Post FX1, Animation FX (no dialog!), Scary Score (no sound)
  • Monjaro - Animation FX (movie is cut short), Trailer ADR
  • Tony - none
  • Rowvin - Audio Post FX1, Animation FX, Trailer ADR, Scary Score
  • Victor - Audio Post FX1, Trailer ADR
  • Chris - Audio Post FX1, Scary Score
  • Marisol - Trailer ADR,
  • Monica - Audio Post Exercise, Trailer ADR, Scary Score

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