Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to Advanced Digital Pathways!

Welcome to the first day of ADP Audio!

I hope you are ready to put your energy into making some great music and producing interesting audio projects.
Whether you've got years of musical experience, or this is your first time playing a note, I expect you to challenge yourself in making

This is the class blog where I will be posting lectures, assignments and other information.

Class Expectations
As a member of this class, you are expected to:
1. Put forth your best effort in participating in this class. Effort is shown through completing assignments, participating in class discussions and helping your fellow students to learn.
2. Behave in a mature, professional manner at all times. Respect your classmates, instructors, guests and neighbors in the 410 Townsend building.
3. Understand that 410 Townsend is a shared space where a lot of people come to work. This is not your house. This is not your high school. Part of the deal with us having a class here is the assumption that our students are capable of behaving maturely as any other person in the building. The following behaviors are considered inappropriate and are grounds for being asked to leave the program:
  • Any physical or verbal threat of violence.
  • Any discriminatory statements based on race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
  • Drug use.
  • Irresponsible use of the equipment.
  • Any behavior that results in complaints from the management or residents of 410 Townsend St.
4. Be on time to all classes. If it is not possible for you to attend a particular class, you must let the instructor know in advance in order to be credited for your hours.